Monday, June 30, 2008


I was tagged by my friend Alene. I am going to do it but I will stop the madness and not tag others. This is my gift to you.

3 Joys-
1. My family
2. Sleeping in
3. Shopping

3 Fears-
1. Losing Cole or the kids.
2. Losing Cole's job and the house.
3. Losing my mind.

3 Goals-
1. Losing 20 pounds.
2. Be a better mom.
3. Be better at budgeting.

3 Current Obsessions
1. Helping friends decorate their homes.
2. Decorating our room at the cabin.
3. Doing Weight Watchers.

3 Surprising Facts
1. Never have had a traffic ticket.
2. Can do the splits still(with a little warm-up).
3. Zip lined in Jamaica although I'm afraid of heights.


Dennison Family said...

Thanks for the random facts and NOT tagging anyone! :) I personally think you are a GREAT mom, and your kids are lucky to have you! I need to see those splits sometime! By the way, Cute background! Very Patriotic!

Alene said...

I think you need to do the splits at the next weight watchers meeting. I am glad you are obsessed with decorating friends houses...because mine looks great! You (and Coleman :) are the best!!

dezertgirlaz said...

The fact that you've never had a traffic ticket, and this is the first time I've heard of this is very surprising. Especially considering how you and Donelle are! How has this not been brought up during any of the one up contests I've heard!

Unknown said...

I love reading these things. You are like my long lost buddy now.:-)