Sunday, June 15, 2008


So it was only gonna be me. Then Kelly weaned her baby and it was the two of us. Then we talked Susan into it as well. It was a blast. I was the hyper crazy mom and probably had more fun than I should. Jason was embarrassed because of me but who cares! The bus ride going over was the worst. Get 30 something 8th grade boys together on a bus and watch out. I swear almost none of them slept and then at 4a.m. when we stopped for a pit stop, about 15 boys bought red bull drinks! Yikes!!

The Chaperone's. Susan, Kelly, and I waiting for the boys to ride Tower of Terror.

Us on my favorite ride,Big Thunder Railroad.


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Kelly and I on the bus on the way home. At last they slept!


Donelle said...

Looks like a great time. You are such a great mom...oh ya, you went for the fun times with your friends and to ride Thunder Mountain!!:)

Dennison Family said...

Such a fun trip! I'm glad you got to go, and even though jason might have been embarrassed, I'm sure he really loved having you there!