Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Our April Fools Birthday Boy.


Trevor turned 10 yesterday. He had a great birthday. He woke up to find a brand new bike and helmet at the foot of his bed. He also got a Indian flute from Nana and Pop Pop, a homemade quilt with his name stitched in it from the Hendricksons, $20 from Grandpa and Grandma Hatch, Pokemon action figures from the Hatch girls, and 30 candy bars from Leslie, Mel, and Alene. You girls know that Pop Pop retired from dentistry, right!?! His Aunt Afton also wrote a great blog entry about him. We love you so very much Trevor and are glad you are a part of our family.

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Alene said...

Happy Birthday Trevor! What a cutie. He is so sweet he has probably already given away half of the candy bars-so don't worry about his teeth :)

Donelle said...

Wow, thirty candybars...what a lucky boy!

dezertgirlaz said...

He's got personality, teeth are over rated! He did have some sweet presents! Love that kid! Not in a creepy pedifile way either. Can chicks be pedifiles? You don't hear about them as much. Well either way I am so excited that Trevor had a great bday!