Saturday, August 30, 2008

Watermelon Babies

I love the fact that my bizarre sense of humor has pass on to my children. We now have a garden and we planted ONE watermelon plant. That plant took over like no other and we got 7 watermelons off of it, some larger and more edible than others. I had no clue what to do with all of them. Jason picked one up and started to cradle it and talk baby talk to it. We both formulated our plan. To dress them up as "babies" with faces, hats, diapers, blankets, and even belly buttons. We put them into "baskets" and delivered them to unsuspecting families. The boys had so much fun coming up with little notes pinned to their diapers and naming them.

Watch out for pumpkin Buddha babies or triplet zucchini's!

Jason with the first baby. They got better as we went along.


Nick being surprised with the baby. They named ours Charlie but shorten it to Chuck.


Nick cutting up Chuck. He scares me a little


Nice. Nick even drew a tear on it. How ghetto.

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Donelle said...

Your family is always doing something fun.. I'm glad you got some good use out of your garden!

dezertgirlaz said...

I love your family! Watermelon babies!! Freakin fabulous and Nick's sense of humor just cracks me up! Go team Gardner!

Kelsea said...

omg! sr. gardner, Kelsea Elwood, i was one of your YW in gilbert!

Im so glad i came across your blog fun!

Alene said...

Melody and I loved our baby! The watermelon is really good too! Thanks.

Dennison Family said...

Ha ha ha!! That is too funny! I love the idea, and even Nick cracks me up!! That looks really funny!!

Ali said...

you guys are so crazy! cracks me up! LOL