Thursday, March 27, 2008

Carlsbad Caverns


We left Texas on Friday and drove to New Mexico to stay the night. Next morning, we woke up bright and early to beat the crowds to the caverns. It was a long hike it but well worth it. Cole was the annoying tourist and kept stopping to take pictures every 20 feet. It would not have been that annoying if he had just the camera , but he had a huge camera case AND the camera on a tripod. After a half a hour and many looks from people, I did not claim him and walked on ahead. He did get some amazing pictures and now I'm grateful but then I was just plain annoyed at him.

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Alene said...

Great foresight on bringing the tripod, Cole. I think you got some amazing pictures.

Anonymous said...

Is my butt really that big?

dezertgirlaz said...

Things really are bigger in TX aren't they! Not your butt though don't worry Coleman! Love the nipple rock picture!

Donelle said...

Those are some great pictures. Hopefully next time we go to Carlsbad we will actually get to see the caverns:)

Dennison Family said...

Those are some awesome photos! Carlsbad caverns looks like a fun place to go! Maybe someday!