Thursday, January 14, 2010

Eriks 7th Birthday

So I have been extremely remiss on this blogging thing, as well as other aspects in my life. So let me catch up. Our baby turned 7 on Dec. 10th. We had a small family party plus Melody and Alene. (The boys think Mel is their sister anyway. ) We made him his favorite dinner, orange chicken and sticky rice. He got a special webkin from Melody and a DS game from us. We do have plans to take him and some of the younger kids to Bounce U at the end of the month. He wanted to wait until Melody got her cast off so she could go!!

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dezertgirlaz said...

Well slap may fro! I cannot believe my "crack baby" is so old! I'm going to have to come up with a new nick name! Um the cake looks like pure deliciousness by the way!!