Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Texas again

Donelle and her kiddos came to Arizona for a few weeks. When it was time to head home, I volunteered to help drive them back. I didn't think she should drive with 4 kids by herself and it gave me a prefect opportunity to see Texas again. We had a great trip and Kira kept me on my toes with her throwing up a few times. The kids where great and Donelle got pulled over only once. We got off with a warning.

Donelle early on the trip.

Donelle and I at my new favorite deli in Dallas.

Randy and I in front of the JFK museum. We loved looking through all that history. We were also glad that Donelle came with us even thought she thought she would be bored to tears.

Randy and Brooklyn outside a friends home. They have 2 acres and Randy, the kids and I loved exploring them. Then 2 days later came the fact that chiggers had eaten us alive. Randy has over 40. I only got 22. I still have then, big as dimes. Chiggers Suck!!

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Donelle said...

THANKS so much for coming. You made the trip so much fun. Thanks for taking care of the throw up as well...I'm glad I was driving when that happened.